Saturday, January 21, 2012

Reid and MacKenzi's Room...

Seeing Reid and MacKenzi are sharing a room I have been scrambling to make the boys room girl friendly. Haven't gotten there quit yet. I don't want to repaint the room because of the blue carpet, but I am going to incorporate brown and pink cherry blossems to add a girly touch.
I would love for Austin and I to build Reid his first toddler bed before MacKenzi needs to utilize the crib, so we have about six months to do this before this needs to be completed. So I am working on a cool design for his bed. Below is a bed that I would love to build him but it wouldn't fit in the room, so I am going to try and create something like this for him. I always loved a cool bed.
Growing up I always wanted this really cool room, but being a Navy brat we weren't allowed to paint our rooms or do anything fun. My dad didn't see the point if we were going to move every three years.
So My goal is to give my kids a fun and exiciting room that will bring out the creativity. So I really look forward to the next house so each of our babies can have their own room!!!

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